Calling from UK, USA, EU, Canada, Australia, Mexico, or any other DIRECT CALLING enabled country
When you are calling from the UK, USA, Canada, EU, Australia, Mexico or any other DIRECT CALLING enabled country, you simply dial the number you want to reach as if you are dialing from the UK.For example if you are in the UK;
• To call a UK local number you dial : 02088192557
• To call any international number you dial : 00+country code+ phone number , example to call a US number dial: 001212 660 9969
When calling from a coutnry where DIRECT CALL is not enabled ( GLOBAL PROFILE COUTNRIES)
When roaming in the Global profile countries, 360travelsim uses call-back technology to ensure you benefit from the lowest rates. To make a call, enter the number using the full country code and press dial. You will receive a brief ‘call back’ between dialing the number and being connected. See the following steps for more details:
• Dial your destination number for e.g. 00442088192557 and press dial. You will see a “Please Wait” message. The phone will then disconnect. Please note that different phones will display varied messages. Some may even say “call failed”, “call rejected”, or “sending a request”. It is normal to receive these messages.
• Within a few seconds you will receive a ‘call back’ and your phone will ring.
• Answer the call and you will hear a message saying your call is being connected.
• You will be connected to the destination number.